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What to Do If a Tooth is Knocked Out

August 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — pettydental @ 1:01 am
Close-up of hands holding a knocked-out tooth

Of all the dental emergencies that you might experience, a knocked-out tooth is perhaps one of the most urgent examples. If you want to save the tooth, you will need to protect it while also making arrangements to see the dentist as soon as you can. To help make sure that you’re prepared for the worst, here are 4 steps to follow if a tooth is knocked out.


3 Tips for Handling a Dental Emergency While Overseas

July 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — pettydental @ 9:08 pm
woman experiencing tooth pain

Moving overseas can be an exciting opportunity. To be able to live and experience a new culture can open opportunities you never imagined. From finding a place and learning the language to determining whether you need a car or public transportation, there is a lot to figure out. But have you thought about what to do and who to see should a dental emergency arise? Here are 3 valuable tips to keep in mind when handling this type of issue outside of the U.S.


4 Sports-Related Dental Emergencies to Be Wary Of

May 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — pettydental @ 9:34 pm
Male athlete wearing mouthguard and holding ball

Did you know that every year more than 600,000 people seek emergency treatment due to dental issues related to sports? All athletes must be careful about protecting their smiles from sudden blows and impacts that can damage teeth. If you’re involved with any kind of sport, then you should be aware of the following 4 dental emergencies that you may potentially have to deal with.


Why an Untreated Toothache Can Be Life-Threatening

March 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — pettydental @ 1:43 am
Man with painful toothache rubbing his cheek

Far too many people tend to underestimate just how dangerous a toothache can be. Oftentimes, they think the discomfort is the worst of it and that they can simply live with the pain. What they don’t realize, though, is that toothaches are often caused by infection – and said infection can have deadly consequences if left untreated. Here’s why ignoring a toothache instead of seeing your emergency dentist could potentially put your life in danger.


Why Using a Toothpick to Clean Your Teeth is a Bad Idea

January 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — pettydental @ 1:31 am
Woman covering mouth and holding toothpick at a distance

When there’s something caught between your teeth, a toothpick might seem like a convenient way to remove it – but most emergency dentists don’t recommend this approach. Despite their name, toothpicks aren’t an ideal tool for cleaning your smile; in fact, if you’re not careful, they could end up causing serious dental damage. Here’s what you need to know about the dangers of toothpicks and what you should do instead to dislodge bits of food from your grin. 

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